The true story of Toni Jo Henry, a woman tried for the crime of murder in 1942 in the state of Louisiana. Toni Jo, a product of childhood abuse and neglect, briefly discovers love and happiness that soon turns to despair when her husband Cowboy is sent to prison and she embarks on an ill-fated plan with an accomplice Arkie to free him....
亚当(本·威士肖 Ben Whishaw 饰)是一名在公立医院里行医的妇产科医生,在公立医院里,无论是医疗设备还是人员配给都要远远糟于私立医院,在这里,亚当不仅要面对无休无止的加班,还要和刁钻苛刻的病人斗智斗勇,长期都处在巨大的压力之下。但幸运的是,在医院里,亚当还是交 了一些朋友,比如初出茅庐的实习医生姝娣(安比卡·茂德 Ambika Mod 饰)。...
When Seth receives a mysterious letter inviting him to spend the weekend at a secluded mansion in the country, he soon realizes the people inside the house may know him better than he knows himself.</p>...
《2023年KBS演艺大赏》于2023年韩国上映,由导演,全炫茂,金俊铉,陈世妍,金淑,文世允,南贤俊,朴愛理,玄周燁,林哲,李宥利,李英子,宋恩伊,洪京民,延政勋,玄胜熙,吴允儿,柳秀荣,金九拉,崔阳洛,彭賢淑,尹柱万,崔秀彬,崔乂园,赵宇钟,姜汉娜,金宣虎,金日宇,金载沅,金元植,萨姆·汉明顿,刘在石,胡玄珠,李同国,李镇赫,Lia Kim (韩国编舞家),姜亨旭,张度妍,金钟民,李辉宰,尹度玹,南珍,曺廷旼等主演的一部综艺!...